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The cost to borrow located shares overnight for the 1st night will be 4x times the average charged locate rate.
For example, if 100 shares were located for 0.01 per share and another 100 shares are located for 0.02 per share, the cost to borrow 200 located shares overnight will be:

The cost to carry an overnight borrow for every night after the 1st night will be 1x the original average charged locate.
For example:

*if an account receives a Reg Sho Notice, the shares receiving the notice, no matter whether a 4x or 1x fee was paid, will need to be liquidated as per instructions.

These changes are a/o 7/14/2021

Vision, Convergex, and others.

Rebates are paid for order flow by various market centers including EDGX, ARCA, and NASDAQ.

It doesn’t matter if you are long or short, as long as you use a limit order to execute away from the market, and the stock is trading at $1 or higher in share price.

Options positions may be opened up to 1:59 pm est on the day of expiration.

The SharkStreet smart router will route the non-matched orders to market centers that provide payment for order flow or rebates. These market centers include ARCA, EDGX, BATS, NSDQ and others.
As SharkStreet offers US market access and clears through a US clearing firm, SharkStreet is subject to Reg NMS. This basically states that firms are obligated to provide investors with executions at the best possible price. To read more about Reg NMS on Wikipedia, click here.

Vision Financial Markets. Vision is a US based clearing firm registered with FINRA and the Securities and Exchange Commission.